Saturday, November 24, 2007


I'm a little puffy this morning. Waking up here in grey cold rainy Portland, Ore.
Last night we played one of our favorite places, the Crystal Ballroom. We're here about once a year, so its a very familiar day, star to finish. But there was something different about this one. It was a sponsored event. By a cigarette company.

Very strange and fascinating, the sneaky things they do instead of actual advertising, which I think is largely off limits to them nowadays..for instance, on the Crystal calendar our show was listed, but with no mention of the sponsor....I'm not going to say who they were, it rhymes with 'Bamel'.....but at the bottom of the ad in tiny print the entire venue is proclaimed 'a smoking venue' for the evening.

They weren't kidding either....

these signs were everywhere. I think they should have added STRICTLY ENFORCED at the bottom instead of the smiley face. No, I take that back, it's an excellent smiley face.

Lets see....someone tripped one the fire alarms, and hilarity ensued as the air raid siren wailed away for 10 minutes. I got a free lighter and two packs of ------ (rhymes with Lamb-el) 'mellow' brand smokes for our merch dude, and all I had to do was get my id swiped into a Big Brother looking handheld device, and provide some fake phone and email info. It was pointed out to me that they do now have my address from the id though. Drat! And here's an actual picture of Chris working on the actual setlist of actual songs . We played Sharpen Up those Fangs for the first time, and it felt great. Two other new ones too, I would guess we'll be working in 3 or so New-ees every show from now until TATGTP drops in March. I said 'drops'. I'm whack! And a shot of Andrew from the end of the night, standing outside our hotel rooms. I wonder what is in his hand?

Going to have tacos before going home!


whatajoy76 said...

I'm laughing at your post, but only on the inside because my throat is still recovering from all those 'lamb-els' we were smoking. There were a lot of us 'non-smokers' that were smoking that night. :)

Liberty Bar - Seattle said...

The dedication shown to your blog-craft should be an inspiration to us all.

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